EDI Parking Stations have moved to Berean Community Church (NW Rochester) Click Here for more information and a Map Link!

EDI has been providing peace of mind to families Since 2009
Enhanced Driving
"Building a New Generation of Safer Drivers"

It's Snowing!
We love to drive in the
snow, so unless you hear
from your instructor
class & lessons are on!
Self-Guided Online Driver's Ed Course
EDI's Top Quality Driver's Training Program in a Self-Guided Online Format

EDI was approved to provide a Self-Guided Online Driver's Ed Program. This allows teens to complete the traditional classroom training in a self-guided format. Unfortunately, this has created many Generic Online Training Templates that most schools have chosen to use that require extensive slide reading with little engagement.
EDI Raises the Bar Once Again. Back in 2009, The Enhanced Driving Institute was developed from the ground up by Adam Newbloom, Former Deputy Sheriff and M.B.A. Adam recognized that Generic "Lifeless" Driver's Ed programs are one of the root causes of high Teen Accident Rates.
EDI has always far exceeded State Requirements for Driver's Education and we have Developed an Online Program that Mirrors our award winning "In-Class" training. This Engaging Material removes the monotonous reading from a driver's manual and replaces it with Actual Instruction with Relatable/Interesting Content. This means your Teen will get the same level of instruction they would have received in the EDI classroom.
2-minute video on how to get started with EDI's Self-Guided Online Course
Only $100 deposit needed to get started
Self-Guided Online Course
& 6-Hours of Behind-the-Wheel.
Everything needed to obtain your permit & license
Self-Guided Online Course Only
For Teens who are not yet 15 or plan to do their driving lessons with another school outside of our coverage area.
Benefits to Online DE

Learn at your own pace.
Review Material to gain understanding
Quizzes along the way to ensure absorbtion
90 days access to course
Save on travel and time costs by doing the course from home.
How Does it Work?
​EDI makes this process very easy. You will Register just like you would with any other class. Choose the Self-Guided Online Classroom Only or Complete Package Option. Once Registration and Payment is completed, you will be emailed a Link and Access Code to begin your course training.
A total of 30 hours of online classroom
You can start your classroom at any time
You can go at your own pace (no make up classes needed as you make your own schedule)
Maximum of 3 hours per day
You must finish the online program within 90 days.
Once the Online Course has been completed you will contact EDI to finalize details and schedule your Permit Exam.
Click Image to Learn More
Are you Prepared to Build an Awesome Teen Driver? This brief Online Course will prepare you for the challenges from the passenger seat & enhance the learning experience for your Teen. Focused Instruction leads to stronger Teen Drivers. Which means, Parent's Peace of Mind for years to come.
Self-Guided Online Course Extension - $50

We understand that occasionally, time can get away from us. If you have exeeded the 90-day Online Course requirement, you do have a one time extension option that added 30 days to your enrollment so you can get finished up. Remember you can only do 2 hours p/day so stay on track!
(once the fee is paid, you're access will be resumed after 24 hours)