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EDI Options

New to EDI! 

The Enhanced Driving Institute provides the highest level of training for all new drivers.  We work with the newest road users, adults as well as people who have had injuries or a medical condition that has kept them from driving.  We are the experts which is why you are here. 
Teen Drivers

This part of our training is for students that are between the ages of 14 & 17 years old.  Starting Classroom/Road Training with EDI.

Drivers Education
Adult/Non EDI Classroom drivers

Choose this option if you are over the age of 18, or you have done your Classroom Training with another school.  

Drivers Education
Drivers Education
Independant Driving Assessments

For those who have been involved in an accident, have a medical condition or impairment or just a family member who you would like to have their driving skills assessed.  We are here to help. 

EDI has been working with the Mayo Clinic as well as other local facilities to help assess patients and their driving abilities.  Keeping the road safe comes with many responsibilities, yet EDI covers it all. 

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