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Make-up Options

We need Teens and Parents to take Driver's Education seriously and place it high on the priority list.  However, we understand that the need to miss a class at times happens.  We have two options below that will keep students on track to complete their training.  

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Classroom Make-up Options

It is the students responsibility to search out a make-up class option.  Please email us once you have looked ahead at the schedule to determine what will work for you based off your make-up need.  

  • $10 Charge - Make up the same lesson in a different class session when available.  This can sometimes be up to 1-month out depending on the next class schedule.  Please let the office know ahead of time by phone or email when the student plans to attend. Fee can be paid below or paid at the time of the classroom session

  • ​ $25 Charge - Make up your missed class Online at your convenience.   This is an instructor taught lesson that mirrors the actual lesson missed so Students won't miss a beat.  Once the lesson is completed online an email is sent to the school confirming completion.  Click on the lesson below, make payment and you can start your make up lesson today!  You have 30 days to complete this make-up class, repurchase after 30 days. 

Be sure to use Student's First & Last Name when signing up for makeup

Driving Lesson Missed - Make-up Options

A missed driving lesson brings on a few challenges for our school. 

  1. We missed out on educating another student during that time slot.

  2. Our instructor was still paid for that time as it was schedule.  

  3. You will now need a lesson at a later date, that will take a lesson slot away from another student. 

Because of these challenges and costs, we charge $75 for a missed driving lesson.   If you missed your lesson or had a late cancellation (all cancellations must be done via your student account outside of 48 hours to avoid paying the fee, you can make payment using this link. 

The Winter Driver Drivers Education
The Award Winning Online Course "The Winter Driver"
"Insurance Discount" & Reducation in Training Hours.

- $35.00
Drivers Education
Other EDI Tools to help skill development
Can be purchased at time of Registration or anytime afterwards.  
Driver's Education
Magnet Bumper Sticker $15.00
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
Teen Driver's Education
Student Testing & Lease
EDI Lease Car for Road Test
(includes 45 min practice before test)
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Click Image to Learn More

Are you Prepared to Build an Awesome Teen Driver?  This brief Online Course will prepare you for the challenges from the passenger seat & enhance the learning experience for your Teen.  Focused Instruction leads to stronger Teen Drivers.  Which means, Parent's Peace of Mind for years to come. 

Drivers Education

Worried about your permit Exam? Pass the 1st attempt, guaranteed

Tel:  (507) 993-2708

Office Hours Mon - Thur :  8:00am - 2:00pm


Main Campus

3334 19th St NW - Suite 202

Rochester, MN  55901

Office Admin:



Top Driving School in SE Minnesota

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© 2008 Copyright, Enhanced Driving Institute is State Licensed & Bonded

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