EDI Parking Stations have moved to Berean Community Church (NW Rochester) Click Here for more information and a Map Link!

EDI has been providing peace of mind to families Since 2009
Enhanced Driving
"Building a New Generation of Safer Drivers"

It's Snowing!
We love to drive in the
snow, so unless you hear
from your instructor
class & lessons are on!
Parents Portal
building solid parent driving instructors
Most people associate driver's education as this turning point in a teenagers life. The truth is, its a turning point in their parents lives as well as becoming a parent instructor comes with both challenges and rewards.
Not all of us are natural educators. Knowing how to do something doesn't necessarily mean you know how to teach someone what you know. However your teen will spend 50-100 hours in the car with you so its important that you are properly trained on how to teach them. At EDI we understand your hesitation, concern and anxiety during this phase and we are here to help.
Our parent session is the final half of the last classroom session. During this time we explain what the state requires of you but more importantly what EDI needs from you to help us build the safest teen drivers. I have also included a few tips below to help prepare you for the next year of your new role as a "Parent Instructor".
Here is an example of a good "first driving lesson with parents". Starting in a parking lot with few cars and her father is very encouraging. This is where ALL students should start regardless of experience.
Here is an example of a good "first driving lesson with parents". Starting in a parking lot with few cars and her father is very encouraging. This is where ALL students should start regardless of experience.
EDI Parking Stations
Because most students say "parking" is their biggest concern for their road test, we found it very important to give them a space to build these skills. We lease this parking lot so students can practice anytime, day or night. Please take advantage of this. See map below. This space is on the North Frontage Road of Hwy 14 west (heading toward Byron) off of West Circle Drive. Address: 4521 Hwy 14 West, Rochester MN 55901. Right by Service Master of Rochester.
If you'd like to park at home or somewhere else, parallel parking cones are 25' apart and 7' wide.

$25 Self Guided 1.5 Hour Course