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EDI Parking Stations have moved to Berean Community Church (NW Rochester) Click Here for more information and a Map Link!

EDI has been providing peace of mind to families Since 2009
Enhanced Driving
"Building a New Generation of Safer Drivers"

It's Snowing!
We love to drive in the
snow, so unless you hear
from your instructor
class & lessons are on!
Covid-19 Update

May 16
This page is designated for updates regarding EDI's status. Please check here first for any questions and for information on how we are moving forward.
The link below takes you to the Department of Public Safety for any Covid-19 questions.

Adam Newbloom
Founder of EDI
"We are back to Normal Operations :) See Below"
EDI has been approved to offer a Live Online Classroom Option for our Teen Driver's. We are still providing In-Class training as well.
We are running our Behind the Wheel lessons as normal. Students are able to log into their account and sign up for upcoming time slots. The following conditions must be met in order to schedule and complete a driving lesson:
1) Students must show up healthy and well rested for their lesson.
2) Students are not required to wear a mask for driving lessons, however do have that option as long as they can safely operate the vehicle. Instructors are not required to wear a mask, however will work with families that have concerns and wear a mask.
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